is being beta tested. All forms of critique and feedback are welcome.

Community Media of Rajasthan:

Displaying 1 to 6 of 6 Community Media of Rajasthan.
6 media entities in Rajasthan. [ Page 1 of 1 ]

Alwar Ki Awaaz

Alwar, Rajasthan

FM Radio 7

Jaipur, Rajasthan

Radio Banasthali

Tonk, Rajasthan
The programmes are designed in such a way that encourages community participation. Since phone-in is an easy medium to connect and ensure community participation, members from the community representing students, staff, villagers, farmers, women, children, are constantly part of the programming content...

Radio Eminent

Tonk, Rajasthan
Community participation played a vital role in making Community Radio Eminent successful. The core of our programming revolves around the collective and interactive participation whether it is related to Kisan Pathshala or programmes like Nirogi Kaya...

Radio Madhuban

Sirohi, Rajasthan
We have a dedicated team who constantly visits communities in villages. The team comprising of resident and visiting volunteers following the discipline and lifestyle of Brahma Kumaris, is motivated and keen to make a difference in people's lives...

Tilonia Community Radio

Ajmer, Rajasthan
In order to ensure community participation, we talk to the community in their own dialect and culture. We use songs and short plays as a medium to spread awareness about various schemes and to put forward the problems faced by the people...

6 Rajasthan Voices in the directory.


Community media is any form of media that is created and controlled by a community, either a geographic community or a community of identity or interest. However, if the fundamental premise of the media is to engage those groups that are categorically excluded and marginalized from the media-making process, it will be included on this website, even if it is not explicitly created and controlled by the community.

Created and managed by: Impellio Media Company